The "Look Beyond" vision is the philosophy of the AGC Group on which most of its activities are based. We intend to promote this value globally, demonstrating the great potential, that is inherent in our Group.
"Look Beyond" - anticipate and look ahead.
"Look Beyond" - develop perspectives beyond our range of knowledge and experience.
"Look Beyond" - continue innovation and never settle for the current situation.
We at AGC Automotive Czech a.s. have added to this Group vision the Corporate Principles of Joint Collaboration. There are five of these principles and they are the basis of cooperation across our company.
We know corporate strategy and culture. We understand how our personal goals contribute to this strategy.
We focus on meeting these goals through key indicators (SEQCDDM).
We set all goals / tasks according to SMARTS principles (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Real, Term, Meaningful).
We treat the goals and tasks as managers: we arrange the necessary cooperation, coordinate the fulfillment of partial tasks. We submit the assignment reviewed.
We know corporate strategy and culture. We understand how our personal goals contribute to this strategy.
We focus on meeting these goals through key indicators (SEQCDDM).
We set all goals / tasks according to SMARTS principles (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Real, Term, Meaningful).
We treat the goals and tasks as managers: we arrange the necessary cooperation, coordinate the fulfillment of partial tasks. We submit the assignment reviewed.
The agreements we conclude with our colleagues as part of our work responsibilities are binding for us and we fulfill them.
If the agreement cannot be adhered to or the delegated task can not be completed within the deadline, we let you know on time and propose a solution or escalate.
The agreements we conclude with our colleagues as part of our work responsibilities are binding for us and we fulfill them.
If the agreement cannot be adhered to or the delegated task can not be completed within the deadline, we let you know on time and propose a solution or escalate.
We are responsible for our motivation and for the required level of professional knowledge and skills.
If we lack motivation, knowledge or skills, we work on our professional development (together with our manager).
We are responsible for our motivation and for the required level of professional knowledge and skills.
If we lack motivation, knowledge or skills, we work on our professional development (together with our manager).
"YES", not looking for reasons why "NO" (suggestions for solutions instead of finding reasons why something is not going).
When solving problems, we look for ways forIf we do not know the 100% solution, we are trying to at least positively move things.
We openly say what we like and what we want to change.
"YES", not looking for reasons why "NO" (suggestions for solutions instead of finding reasons why something is not going).
When solving problems, we look for ways forIf we do not know the 100% solution, we are trying to at least positively move things.
We openly say what we like and what we want to change.
We actively cooperate with colleagues across the company to achieve set goals and solve common problems. We share all important information.
We use the tools of teamwork and improvement (Innowiz, AGIA, PDCA, KAP ...).
We actively cooperate with colleagues across the company to achieve set goals and solve common problems. We share all important information.
We use the tools of teamwork and improvement (Innowiz, AGIA, PDCA, KAP ...).
We know corporate strategy and culture. We understand how our personal goals contribute to this strategy.
We focus on meeting these goals through key indicators (SEQCDDM).
We set all goals / tasks according to SMARTS principles (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Real, Term, Meaningful).
We treat the goals and tasks as managers: we arrange the necessary cooperation, coordinate the fulfillment of partial tasks. We submit the assignment reviewed.
The agreements we conclude with our colleagues as part of our work responsibilities are binding for us and we fulfill them.
If the agreement cannot be adhered to or the delegated task can not be completed within the deadline, we let you know on time and propose a solution or escalate.
We are responsible for our motivation and for the required level of professional knowledge and skills.
If we lack motivation, knowledge or skills, we work on our professional development (together with our manager).
"YES", not looking for reasons why "NO" (suggestions for solutions instead of finding reasons why something is not going).
When solving problems, we look for ways forIf we do not know the 100% solution, we are trying to at least positively move things.
We openly say what we like and what we want to change.
We actively cooperate with colleagues across the company to achieve set goals and solve common problems. We share all important information.
We use the tools of teamwork and improvement (Innowiz, AGIA, PDCA, KAP ...).
We are one of the largest automotive glass manufacturers in Europe with annual production of more than 32 million of car glass pieces. As part of the Japanese AGC Group, we supply car glass to all major automakers in Europe
More about usWe are one of the largest automotive glass manufacturers in Europe with annual production of more than 32 million of car glass pieces. As part of the Japanese AGC Group, we supply car glass to all major automakers in Europe
More about usThe tradition of glass production in our factory in Chudeřice u Bíliny dates back to 1925. Since 1947, our factory has been the most important supplier of car glass for the Czechoslovak automakers. Today we are of pan-European importance.
More about historyThe tradition of glass production in our factory in Chudeřice u Bíliny dates back to 1925. Since 1947, our factory has been the most important supplier of car glass for the Czechoslovak automakers. Today we are of pan-European importance.
More about historyNaše firma funguje na principu štíhlé výroby tzv. AES - Automotive excelence systém. Velmi důležitou součástí řízení firmy jsou inovace, bezpečnost práce a ochrana životního prostředí.
Complete managementNaše firma funguje na principu štíhlé výroby tzv. AES - Automotive excelence systém. Velmi důležitou součástí řízení firmy jsou inovace, bezpečnost práce a ochrana životního prostředí.
Complete managementWe are primarily a manufacturing plant for which a clear structure is important. For us, however, people are the most important in this structure.
More about structureWe are primarily a manufacturing plant for which a clear structure is important. For us, however, people are the most important in this structure.
More about structureKlíčovým produktem jsou automobilová skla. Zaměřujeme se na vývoj a výrobu všech typů autoskel – čelní, boční, zadní i střešní. Vyvíjíme nové typy autoskel, které jsou důležité pro rostoucí konektivitu automobilů a infotainment.
More about productionKlíčovým produktem jsou automobilová skla. Zaměřujeme se na vývoj a výrobu všech typů autoskel – čelní, boční, zadní i střešní. Vyvíjíme nové typy autoskel, které jsou důležité pro rostoucí konektivitu automobilů a infotainment.
More about productionJsme držiteli certifikátů ISO i dalších certifikátů potřebných pro dodávky pro významné automobilky. Mimo to jsme držiteli několika titulů Exportér roku. Pravidelně se umisťujeme mezi nejlepšími zaměstnavateli nejen v regionu, ale celé ČR.
More about CertificatesJsme držiteli certifikátů ISO i dalších certifikátů potřebných pro dodávky pro významné automobilky. Mimo to jsme držiteli několika titulů Exportér roku. Pravidelně se umisťujeme mezi nejlepšími zaměstnavateli nejen v regionu, ale celé ČR.
More about CertificatesVe středu našeho zájmu v rámci společenské odpovědnosti leží především podpora technického vzdělávání mladých lidí, například prostřednictvím soutěže Technowizz. Náš dárcovský fond podporuje ale také neziskové aktivity v regionu.
More about CSRVe středu našeho zájmu v rámci společenské odpovědnosti leží především podpora technického vzdělávání mladých lidí, například prostřednictvím soutěže Technowizz. Náš dárcovský fond podporuje ale také neziskové aktivity v regionu.
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