Financially, with equipment or with gifts, we support dozens of organizations around our manufacturing facility. Every year, we distribute almost a million Czech crowns among non-profit projects to support the region. Here are some examples of supported actions and projects.
This facility is just a stones throw from us, so it is natural for us to try to help the children who live there. In 2017 it was 30,000 Czech crowns.
This facility is just a stones throw from us, so it is natural for us to try to help the children who live there. In 2017 it was 30,000 Czech crowns.
The church in Bílina has been trying for years to restore the historic pipe organ. It is a unique facility that should serve not only to religious people, but also the public in organizing concerts. We look forward to the first sound of the pipe organ.
The church in Bílina has been trying for years to restore the historic pipe organ. It is a unique facility that should serve not only to religious people, but also the public in organizing concerts. We look forward to the first sound of the pipe organ.
Football is the most popular sport in the world and it is played by many young people in the communities around us. Therefore, we supported the purchase of equipment in several student teams, such as Hostomice, Duchcov, Bílina, Měrunice or Ledvice.
Football is the most popular sport in the world and it is played by many young people in the communities around us. Therefore, we supported the purchase of equipment in several student teams, such as Hostomice, Duchcov, Bílina, Měrunice or Ledvice.
Fairy tales are shot on it and it offers a beautiful view of the surroundings - Kostomlaty Castle. It is taken care of by enthusiasts, to whom we contributed to the purchase of tools. It is great that thanks to these people the castle is constantly improving.
Fairy tales are shot on it and it offers a beautiful view of the surroundings - Kostomlaty Castle. It is taken care of by enthusiasts, to whom we contributed to the purchase of tools. It is great that thanks to these people the castle is constantly improving.
There are still enough homeless animals. We are glad that there are people who take care of these animals in Teplice, too. That is why we contributed to the purchase of the floor for the Fousek building.
There are still enough homeless animals. We are glad that there are people who take care of these animals in Teplice, too. That is why we contributed to the purchase of the floor for the Fousek building.
There is a well-known athletic club in Bílina. Young enthusiasts are trying almost free of charge to capture other talents, but also to get children to move. We consider this important, so we support young athletes.
There is a well-known athletic club in Bílina. Young enthusiasts are trying almost free of charge to capture other talents, but also to get children to move. We consider this important, so we support young athletes.
This facility is just a stones throw from us, so it is natural for us to try to help the children who live there. In 2017 it was 30,000 Czech crowns.
The church in Bílina has been trying for years to restore the historic pipe organ. It is a unique facility that should serve not only to religious people, but also the public in organizing concerts. We look forward to the first sound of the pipe organ.
Football is the most popular sport in the world and it is played by many young people in the communities around us. Therefore, we supported the purchase of equipment in several student teams, such as Hostomice, Duchcov, Bílina, Měrunice or Ledvice.
Fairy tales are shot on it and it offers a beautiful view of the surroundings - Kostomlaty Castle. It is taken care of by enthusiasts, to whom we contributed to the purchase of tools. It is great that thanks to these people the castle is constantly improving.
There are still enough homeless animals. We are glad that there are people who take care of these animals in Teplice, too. That is why we contributed to the purchase of the floor for the Fousek building.
There is a well-known athletic club in Bílina. Young enthusiasts are trying almost free of charge to capture other talents, but also to get children to move. We consider this important, so we support young athletes.
The flagship of our support for technical education is the Technowizz competition for secondary and vocational schools. However, it is not the only activity. We have also been cooperating with technical universities in Liberec and Ústí nad Labem for a long time, or with CTU in Prague.
more about supportThe flagship of our support for technical education is the Technowizz competition for secondary and vocational schools. However, it is not the only activity. We have also been cooperating with technical universities in Liberec and Ústí nad Labem for a long time, or with CTU in Prague.
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